Home Loan Health Check
Could You be Getting a Better Rate?
Over time, your financial situation, bank interest rates and market movement are likely to mean the loan structure you have may not be suitable any more. It’s important to have your loan structure reviewed to see if you could be getting a better deal with a different bank or lender.
How Does it Work?
We’ll review your existing loan setup, and find out about your current financial situation and goals. We’ll then look at lending options from over 30 banks and lending partners to see if there’s a better setup to suit your situation.
If so, we’ll take care of all the paperwork and transfer the loan on your behalf.
How Often Should I Have a Home Loan Health Check?
We recommend you contact us for a Home Loan Health Check every two years.
How Much Does it Cost?
There is no cost to you to use our services. When we write a loan, we take a small commission from the bank or lending partner. You can rest assured we don’t play favourites – we are Licensed Representatives of Loan Market and not affiliated with a particular bank or lender.
All Mortgage Brokers are governed by the Mortgage Brokers Best Interest Duty, meaning we always act in the best interests of our customers and prioritise your interests when providing credit assistance.