Staying with the same bank or lender for the life of your loan could cost you. Banks regularly change their lending terms, interest rate and packages. You may find you can get a better deal elsewhere and end up saving on interest over the life of the loan. As Mortgage Brokers, we’ll review your loan with you and determine options for refinancing. Once you’ve decided to make the switch, we take care of all the paperwork for you.
We recommend you have a Home Loan Health Check about every two years.
How We Help
When you come to Infinity Advisory, you’re in experienced hands. We’ll work with you to understand your financial goals and help you find the right loan and lending partner to make it happen. We liaise directly with the banks and lending partners on your behalf. We compare all the loan options and come back to you with suggestions on the best fit.
Send us an enquiry using the contact form and we’ll be in touch with you shortly.